Friends donate to Children's Services

Dolls,books, scales and DVDs have all been purchased by the Friends for the NHS’s Children’s Services, which incorporates School Nursing and Health Visiting. Five neonate dolls (three male and two female) are being used across the Island in ante-natal classes, to educate parents on how to care for their young children, with a view to improving long-term outcomes. They are also valuable for teaching breast-feeding. As obesity among Isle of Wight children is a health concern, the department also received light-weight scales for use in schools. There are four books designed to give vulnerable youngsters support. In addition, still to come are three DVDs for professionals to deliver visually child accident-prevention messages, and one of the two DVD packs about body changes and puberty. Rebecca Shaw, Clinical Lead of the department (pictured front row, right), which occupies premises on the industrial estate behind St Mary’s, said the health visitors either operated in people’s homes or at family centres. “The dolls are very lifelike, and are an extremely valuable teaching aid for us. They can be used for a whole range of purposes, from nappy changing to bathing.” Among the books being used by school nurses are those to help children of any age suffering a bereavement, or need to learn about puberty. The whole bumper package to the department cost the Friends £786.