Flower Boxes Brighten Up the Hospital's Grounds

Flower Boxes Now Brighten Up the Hospital’s Grounds
A nursery providing work for up to 30 people with special needs is ‘saying it with flowers’ for the enjoyment of patients and staff at St Mary’s Hospital, thanks to a grant from the hospital’s Friends.
Members of the Care in the Garden team, based at Palmers Brook Community Nursery, Wootton, used discarded pallets and other wood to make planters; altogether 15 were constructed, now sited at various points in the hospital grounds. Each is filled with plants, all grown from seed at the nursery, and these will be changed according to the season.
The Friends agreed to give Care in the Garden up to £1.800, to pay for the boxes and the first year’s planting.
Pictured outside the hospital’s main entrance where several of the boxes are sited, are (left to right): Steve Double of St Mary’s estate management, two of the Care in the Garden members – Tom Phillipson and David Davis - and Neil Ferguson, a gardener at the nursery.