You can now donate by text

Text FOSM19 £1, £5, £10 or whatever you can afford to 70070 to donate to Friends of St Mary's IOW and make a difference today.
JustTextGiving by Vodafone.
Help us to support and supplement to Isle of Wight’s only Hospital
Since 2000 we have donated over £1 million worth of equipment and facilities from the Friends Fund, funds are raised from our shops, cafes and from the generosity of people.
In the last three years alone, we have awarded over £273,000.
In the 2018 Friends Fund Application Process we funded £74,687 of purchases which included 28 x blood pressure monitoring equipment which shows up specific patterns in pulse which are not picked up through the electronic devices for £4,028.64; £35,325.60 for four automated chest compression devices for the Ambulance Service. 6 slimline and lighter phlebotomy trolleys for £3,686. £2,495 (half of which was donated by an anonymous donor) for a Tonometer to measure pressure inside the eye, which negates the need for eye drops; £9,288 for label printers for blood test bottles, which mean that the phlebotomists do not have to write details by hand; 11 reclining relaxing chairs for £15,582 for partners in the Maternity Unit and other more comfortable furniture for patients in other areas; various pieces of equipment for a memory room for £1,500; and many other smaller items to assist staff in their care of patients.