Various Items funded by the Friends to Adult Speech and Language Therapy- Community Work Department to the value of £4499.06
Working with global aphasia. Therapy and practice - book includes comprehensive understanding of the clinical characteristics of global aphasia, critical analysis of new research, new ways of approaching assessment and treatment, and detailed suggestions of direct and indirect treatment tasks. This would benefit our patients by enabling us to provide the most up to date intervention, which will give them better outcomes following their diagnosis.
2. Help! I've got a voice problem - This book helps patients to understand the problems
they experience with their voice,
3. Personal voice amplifier - brand new voice amplification system that is sensitive
enough to amplify dramatically even the faintest of voices for up to 12 hours.
4. LCD writing tablet - writing tablets are an extremely useful tool for people with
communication difficulties
5. IOPI dysphagia rehabilitation device - A tongue strength and endurance trainer and
biofeedback device. There is strong clinical evidence base showing the effectiveness of IOPI driven therapy in dysphagia therapy in patients who have had a stroke and other vocal problems.
Barbara Knowles - Clinical Lead Adult Community and Outpatients Speech and Language Therapy Service –Let the Friends know:
“We would like to thank you so much for funding the IOPI therapy device and other resources. We are very excited we can provide this therapy for our patients for swallowing and speech therapy. Your help is greatly appreciated.”
Pictured are Barbara Knowles - Clinical Lead Adult Community and Outpatients Speech and Language Therapy Service, Jane Fuest, Patient, Andrea Edgson, Friends of St Mary’s Hospital Trustee, Betty Humphrey, Shop Volunteer.